Boutique des Sciences > Projects > 2013-2014
The health impact of airborne biological particles: making available regional-scale data
The health impact of exposure to allergenic pollens is of great importance. In France, one out of five persons is thought to suffer from pollinosis, or the allergic reaction to pollen. The Réseau National de Surveillance Aérobiologique (“National Aerobiological Surveillance Network”, RNSA), which oversaw this study, is the national body entrusted with monitoring airborne biological particles and their health impact.
This study considers those plant species whose pollens present the greatest allergenic potential within our regions, namely: the birch tree, the Poaceae (Gramineae) and Ambrosia (ragweed). The study focuses on two well-documented regions in particular: the Lyon region and the Paris region. The study utilizes pollen-exposure data obtained via daily pollen counts carried out by volumetric sensors scattered throughout both regions. It compares the health-impact data estimated using the Journal Pollinique (“Pollen Hay Fever Diary”), a computing tool that allows its users to record their daily health in the form of “symptom scores”. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to compare pollen-exposure data with health-impact data, so as to establish the existence of any correlation between these two phenomena. In addition, by assessing the pertinence of the comparison system currently in use, the study also seeks to propose possible improvements to this system and to evoke its prospects and potential.
Réseau National de Surveillance Aérobiologique (RNSA)
Représentant : M. Michel THIBAUDON, directeur
Représentant : M. Michel THIBAUDON, directeur
M. Louis BONHÊME – élève ingénieur agronome en 3ème année de spécialisation du master management de l'action collective en santé publique vétérinaire (MAC-SPV) à l’Ecole Nationale des Services Vétérinaires (ENSV - Vétagro Sup Lyon)
Academic tutor :
M. François DUMAS -responsable des formations VétAgro Sup Lyon
Scientific supervisor :
Mme Christina ASCHAN-LEYGONIE, Maître de conférence à l’Université Lyon 2 (Faculté GHHAT), membre du laboratoire Environnement Ville Société (EVS)/Labex IMU
Mme Jeanine VERNA, responsable du master de Management et Administration des Entreprises à l’IAE (Lyon 3)
M. François DUMAS -responsable des formations VétAgro Sup Lyon
Scientific supervisor :
Mme Christina ASCHAN-LEYGONIE, Maître de conférence à l’Université Lyon 2 (Faculté GHHAT), membre du laboratoire Environnement Ville Société (EVS)/Labex IMU
Mme Jeanine VERNA, responsable du master de Management et Administration des Entreprises à l’IAE (Lyon 3)