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Boutique des Sciences > Projects > 2014-2015

Creating indicators to evaluate the social impact per neighbourhood of activity projects

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This study, carried out under the auspices of the Science Shop, gathered together actors from diverse domains and disciplines, while also bringing together civil society and research. Jointly carried out by a second-year Master’s student in social psychology and a cooperative managing parks and their activities, the work consisted of creating indicators for evaluating the impact of the cooperative’s activity projects.

Interviews carried out with local residents brought to light a variety of considerations, which in turn evoked new avenues for reflection. In this manner, the study allowed for the elaboration of a questionnaire for evaluating activity projects.


Pistyles projets
Thomas Gentilleau, président et porteur de projet et Morgan Clément


Marion EROUART – M2 Représentations et Transmissions Sociales, parcours Recherche, Université Lumière Lyon 2


Academic tutor :
Valérie HAAS - psychologie sociale – Institut de psychologie, Université Lumière Lyon 2
Scientific supervisor :
Pauline TEXIER – géographie - Laboratoire Environnement Ville Société (UMR 5600), Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3